About Chambers Prairie
Welcome to Chambers Prairie Elementary!
We are the home of the Coyotes and serve preschool through 5th grade in Lacey, WA. At Chambers Prairie, we practice PAWS Expectations to build a positive school community that includes pride and respect, achievement, working together, and safety.
Our motto: Learning every day, for everyone, to take everywhere!
Grades Served
Transitional kindergarten–5th
Opened in 2009.
School Data
For enrollment, demographics, student performance, and other numbers, see our Washington State Report Card.
Survey Results
Learn what our community sees as Chambers Prairie's greatest strengths and challenges as we plan for the future.
Community Partners
Thank you to our Partners in Education, Hops 'n Drops, and Olympia Credit Union!
Get Involved
Chambers Prairie values the strong support of our families, alumni, and community. Volunteer opportunities include mentoring, tutoring, participating in events and field trips, helping in the classroom, and more.
Goals & School Improvement Plan
Academic Gap Goal
Students identified as “some risk” and “high risk” on the fall easyCBM will make more than a year's growth as measured by the percentile change between the fall and spring easyCBM English language arts assessments, improving from 30% in 2024 to 60% in 2025.
Social-Emotional Gap Goal
The gap for regular attenders between students identified as low income and non-low income will decrease by 505 from June 2024 to June 2025 at each grade level.
School Improvement Plan
Building History
Chambers Prairie Elementary was built in 2009 on 13.1 acres, using local bond and state assistance funding. It is located at 6501 Virginia Street SE in Lacey. The 57,373 square foot building includes 31 instructional spaces, plus portable classrooms.
The school was named after the Chambers Family, one of the first settlers in the area in the late 1840s. The homesteads of Andrew, Jackson, John, and Thomas Chambers covered the area where Chambers Prairie Elementary is now located.